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Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup: Unveiling the Secrets

The debate around whether Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup has been going on for decades in the baseball world. Both pitching From the Stretch vs Windup techniques have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In this in-depth blog post, we’ll analyze the key differences between these two delivery methods to help players and coaches determine which one is the better option.

What is the Windup Pitching Motion in Baseball?

Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup

The windup is the classic way of pitching that begins with the pitcher standing tall on the rubber, facing straight towards home plate. They start by lifting their lead leg up into a “high leg kick” before striding forward and releasing the ball toward the catcher’s mitt.

This full circular motion allows pitchers to utilize the strength in their entire body, building momentum through the hips and core that generates more power and speed on their pitches. The windup gives hurlers time to get comfortable, relax, and focus on their pitching mechanics before delivering each pitch. To further understand pitching mechanics, explore these detailed pitching insights.

The origins of the windup stretch all the way back to the earliest days of baseball in the 1800s. Pitchers would simply rear back and throw the ball with an underhand motion. As the game evolved, sidearm and overhand throwing motions were introduced in the 1870s which led to different variations of pitching styles.

The classic windup technique became the predominant way to pitch by the early 1900s. One of the biggest advantages it offered pitchers was the ability to use different arm angles and alter pitch speeds. This made it very difficult for batters to adjust to a pitcher’s delivery. A better understanding of the pitcher’s role can be gained by learning about how many players are on a baseball team

Pitcher demonstrates Stretch vs Windup technique
Pitcher demonstrates pitching from the Stretch vs Windup technique

Pros of Using the Windup Pitching Motion

There are several advantages that the windup pitching technique provides:

Cons of the Windup Pitching Delivery

However, there are also some disadvantages or challenges when pitching from the windup:

A baseball player demonstrating pitching from the stretch vs windup

What is Pitching from the Stretch in Baseball?

When pitching from the stretch vs windup, the hurler stands tall on the rubber with their pivot foot touching the pitching plate. Their other foot is positioned sideways, facing either first or third base depending on if they are right or left-handed.

There is no windup used from this set position. Pitchers simply lift their legs, rotate their hips, stride forward, and deliver the pitch toward home plate. This pause allows them to gain proper balance before firing towards the target. For younger players, understanding the differences in pitching techniques is crucial, as outlined in this guide on 10u baseball pitching distance.

The pitching delivery from the stretch is much more compact and controlled. Pitchers are able to vary the look by altering their leg kick, doing a slide step, or even using somewhat of a hybrid technique. This provides more opportunities to disrupt the timing of batters.

The stretch is primarily used when there are runners on base as it allows pitchers to better control the running game. By eliminating the big windup, they can deliver the ball home much quicker to give the catcher a better chance to throw out stealing baserunners.

Pros of Using the Stretch Pitching Technique

Here are some of the main benefits of using the stretch pitching delivery:

Baseball player pitching from the stretch vs windup

Cons of Pitching from the Stretch

Pitching exclusively from the stretch also has its challenges:

The Origins of Pitching from the Stretch vs Windup in Baseball

Now that we’ve covered the basics of each technique, let’s take a quick look at the origins of the Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup. As mentioned earlier, the windup traces back to the beginning of organized baseball in the mid-1800s. Pitchers would simply rear back and deliver the ball in an underhanded or sidearm motion. Overhand throwing was introduced in the 1870s, leading to varying pitching styles.

The traditional pitching from the stretch vs windup with the raised leg kick gained popularity in the late 1880s and early 1900s. It remained the primary pitching method used by hurlers for decades until MLB lowered the pitching mound after the so-called “Year of the Pitcher” in 1968.

With a flatter mound, pitchers needed to adjust their mechanics. Throwing exclusively from the windup with its slower tempo became much less effective. In the context of Pitching from the Stretch vs Windup in Baseball, this opened the door for pitching from the stretch to become a more popular technique.

In the landscape of Pitching from the Stretch vs Windup in Baseball, MLB’s rule modifications to benefit hitters led pitchers to innovate with new approaches like pitching from the stretch. This wave of change in the 1960s and 1970s set the stage for the pitching strategies we’re familiar with today.

demonstrating Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup

When Should Each Pitching Method Be Used?

So, when should pitchers use the windup technique versus the stretch? Here are some recommendations on when to use each delivery:

The Windup Pitching Motion is Best Used When:

The Stretch Pitching Technique is Most Effective When:

Many baseball coaches follow the old-school logic that pitchers should use their natural windup when the bases are empty. They believe pitchers generate better velocity and command from their most comfortable delivery without disrupting their rhythm.

However, the evolution of baseball strategy has led to a new school of thinking that many MLB pitchers now follow. 

The idea is that pitchers should work from the stretch at all times, even with the bases empty.

Proponents of this approach point out several benefits:

The game is always evolving. Pitchers like Mariano Rivera, Kenta Maeda, and Yu Darvish have had great success working exclusively from the stretch throughout their MLB careers, proving it can be an effective approach.

Ultimately, there is no definitive right or wrong answer. Pitchers must experiment in practice and games to determine which method – or combination of the two – gives them the best results and success on the mound.

Examples of MLB Pitchers Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup

To demonstrate these pitching techniques in action, let’s take a look at a few examples of MLB Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup.

Clayton Kershaw is one of the best-starting pitchers in baseball today. His smooth windup begins standing.

Conclusion: Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup

The stretch is primarily used when runners are on base, while the windup is mainly reserved for when the bases are empty. Pitchers typically pitch from the windup with no one on to get comfortable and work on their mechanics. With runners on, the stretch allows them to better control the running game, this is Pitching From the Stretch vs Windup.

Many MLB pitchers today pitch exclusively from the stretch regardless of baserunners. Relievers especially use the stretch to optimize their quick delivery to the plate. Ultimately, both pitching methods have their place. Mastering each one provides versatility to adapt to any game situation.

So which technique is better – the windup or the stretch? There is no definitive answer, as each pitcher must find what works best for them. However, having command of both styles gives hurlers options to attack hitters from different angles.


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